Friday, September 25, 2009

Cora, Cora, Cora

Well, we are finally getting down to studying the Cora language again. This week we have spent 3 afternoons with our friend Leocadio up in Mojocuautla. Leocadio is one of the primary school teachers in Mojocuautla and is uniquely qualified for this job. Besides having taught the Cora language in the school he has made a lot of contributions to the development of scholastic materials in Cora.

We are implimenting the tools we learned at the Missions Training International school in Colorado, and so far it has been great. The first day we began with a few simple elements; 4 places, 4 pronouns, and 4 modes of transportation. First we learned the names of the places; store, bank, church, and post office. The words at first were a struggle but after some time we were able to identify them and even reproduce them. Next we added the pronouns, as in "I went to the store". It was at that point that I began to despair. Leocadio spoke out a long incomprehensible string of syllables that left us in awe. However, after three days of studying we have found we can get it. We just keep trying, knowing that as soon as we get this phrase down the next one will be even tougher!
Thank you so much for your prayers. We really need God's grace wih this language.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kai Interview

Kai Interview
Originally uploaded by frijoleros
Kai wanted to spend some time talking about world events and how they are effecting the geo-political stage, plus I think he wanted to show off his new underwear.

Baptism and Growth

It is always exciting to see how God moves in different people's lives. Here in Cofradia one of the big milestones in a persons faith is the step of getting baptized. On September 13th Pastor Gollo and Luis baptized 5 people in the sistern across the street from the church. Each of these 5 people have had to overcome significant obstacles and criticism to reach this point. Jasmin, for example, has been waiting for more than a year for her parents permission to get baptized, Beto left behind an alternative lifestyle and is feeling the rejection of his friends, and Isaac is a brand new believer who recieved Jesus at a recent youth camp.

The Sunday after the baptism we had communion at church. Before serving communion Gollo invited anyone who had not asked Jesus to be their Savior to pray and recieve Him. Three people; two ladies from Arrayanes and one from Santa Fe made the decision and became part of God's family!

It is awesome seeing God work and transform lives. Please be praying for these 8 people, for their encouragement and continued growth.